Title: The Vast Empire - Star Wars Role Playing Community - Star Wars Gaming Community
Description: The Vast Empire is an unofficial online gaming organization based on the Imperial side of the Star Wars Universe created by George Lucas. We are a collection of individuals who play all of the Star Wars computer games made by the LucasArts Entertainment
Title: Forum Systems - Patented XML Gateway Technology for SOA and Cloud Computing
Description: Forum Systems is the leader in Web services security with a comprehensive suite of Trust Management, Threat Protection and Information Assurance solutions for the Automated Web. Forum Systems flexible hardware and software products make vibrant business
Title: X-Warrior, il portale dedicato agli sport di endurance
Description: Il primo portale dedicato agli sport di Endurance che ti consente di programmare i tuoi allenamenti, di crearti un curriculum sportivo, di cercare e prenotare i prossimi eventi e discuterne con altri sportivi. Il tutto in un tuo spazio privato e gratuito.
Title: SpaceFight, Jeu spatial gratuit de stratégie et de combat
Description: SpaceFight, jeu spatial gratuit de stratégie et de combat. Développez votre technologie, Construisez votre flotte et affrontez des milliers de joueurs en ligne.