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Title: Curran International - Coating solutions: tube ID cleaning for NDT inspection, high performance coating and solutions for excha
Description: Curran International, protective coating solutions for petroleum, chemical & power equip. Coating & cleaning heat exchangers, vessels, turbines and water boxes; in-situ work, prep for NDT inspection.
Keywords:protective coating applications, coating solutions, in-situ, in-shop, biological fouling, corrosion, bottlenecks, plaguing pipes, heat-transfer equipment, tube coating, cleaning procedures, Curran International, heat exchangers, steam condenser tubes, heat exchanger tube coating system, Saekaphen, GmbH, coating technology, Duromar Engineer Polymeric Systems, Exchanger channel, Tubesheet epoxy rebuilding, Condenser retubing, Condenser tube repair, Waterbox epoxy coating, Vessel ID,
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