Title: SCA | Middle Kingdom/Midrealm
Description: Welcome to the Society of Creative Anachronism's Middle Kingdom website, a medieval recreation and education group. The Middle Kingdom is the third oldest kingdom in the SCA and covers Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, part of Kentucky, a nip of Iowa, a
Keywords:SCA, Society for Creative Anachronism, Midrealm, Middle Kingdom, midrelm, SCA OH, SCA MI, SCA IL, SCA IN, SCA KY, SCA IA, SCA Canada, Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Canada, Iowa, medieval recreation, mediaeval, medieval, renaissance, reinactment, heavy weapons,
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armoured combat, armored combat, rattan, combat archery, archery, fencing, rapier, rapier combat, thrown weapons, seige weapons, seige combat, equestrian, arts and sciences, dance, brewing, fiber arts, textile arts, woodworking, wood working, metal working, blacksmithing, Pentamere, Oaken, Midlands, Constellation, Rivenstar, Sternfeld, White Waters, Illiton, Shattered Crystal, Tree Girt Sea, Brendoken, Cleftlands, Middle Marches, Red Spears, Fenix, Flame, Flaming Gryphon, Northwoods, Andelcrag, Donnershafen, Roaring Wastes, Ayreton, middle ages, living history, www.midrealm.org, midrealm.org(View Less)