#7,220,311 (
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Title: United Staging & Rigging, LLC
Description: United Staging and Rigging specializes in theatrical supplies, film industry & television studio hardware, custom staging, rigging hardware, chain hoists, fall arrest systems, harnesses, and expendables. USR is a full line dealer for Rosco, Lex Products,
Keywords:aircraft cable, Arena rigging, banner hanging, barricade, chain motor rental, Chain Motors, cm, connecticut, ct, Dance Floor, Decks, Drapery, dynamoters, expendibles, fall arrest, Fall Protection, film sales, film supplies, flooring, fog fluid, fog machine, fog machines, gaff, Gaffers Tape, gel,
... (View More)
Genie Lift, Gobo, hanging hardware, Hardware, harness, Hoist, hoist rental, Lifts, Lighting Gel, load cell, Marley, mass, massachusetts, mega stage, megastage, mobile stage, mobile stages, motion labs, new york, ny, nyc, paint, paint sales, Pipe and Drape, Platforms, pro lock, production sales, production supplies, pro-loc, rentals, Rigging, Risers, Rosco, roscolux, Scenic, scenic paint, scenic supplies, Shackle, skjonberg, Span set, Sprung Floor, Stage, stage supplies, stage, supply, Stagemaker, Stageright, Staging, subfloor, Supplies, suspension hardware, theater, theater sales, Theatre, Theatrical, theatrical supplies, theatrical supply, tie line, Tieline, Tomcat, total fabrication, total structures, Track, Traveler, trick line, Truss, truss rentals, wire rope(View Less)