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Title: Pangaea Information Technologies, Ltd.
Description: Pangaea Information Technologies provides highly specialized professional services for Environmental, Remote Sensing, GIS, Public Health, and Infrastructure management issues through the application of advanced technologies.
Keywords:Decision support, artificial intelligence, GIS, Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, hyper spectral data, multi spectral data, high resolution imagery, Image processing, pattern recognition, landcover, landuse, GeoEye, IKONOS, satellite imagery, Aerial imagery, 1 meter, one meter, Biosurveillance, biological threat agent detection, disease surveillance, disease detection, medical information systems, incident management, incident management systems,
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common operating picture, emergency response, surveillance, sustainable range program, SRP, Integrated training area management program, ITAM, Range Training Land Program, RTLP, Military land management, strategic planning, systems integration, application development, mapping, geospatial, geospatial information systems, metadata, public health information systems, bioinformatics, spatial statistics, Regional Health Monitoring, electronic medical records, Environment, database, multimedia, Small Business, Change Detection, maps, conservation, Environmental Information Systems, Infrastructure Management, Customized System Integration, Planning, Chicago, technology, Natural Resources, Monitor, Monitoring, Information, GPS, Global Positioning System, Site Characterization, Interactive Multimedia, Environmental Awareness, Risk Analysis, Utility Automation, DTM, DEM, Digital Terrain Model, Digital Elevation Model, Modeling, Threatened and Endangered Species, Habitat Modeling, Database Design, noise modeling, experts, Quickbird, google maps, open source, open source solutions(View Less)