Title: Fugro World Wide
Description: Fugro collects and interprets data related to the earth's surface and the soils and rocks beneath and provides advice, for purposes related to the oil and gas industry, the mining industry, the construction & infrastructure industry, and the field of wat
Keywords:bavenit, barge, bodem, bodemonderzoek, bodemverontreiniging, boren, boring, bucentaur, cable route survey, cable route surveys, cone penetration test, construction support, corer, cpt, data collection, data conversie, data conversion, dgps, drilling, drillships, down-hole, engineer, engineering, environment, environmental,
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exploration, field testing, fli-map, flimap, foundation, fugro, fugro explorer, funderen, fundering, geo-advies, geo-data, geo-dbase, geo-ict, geo-monitoring, geo-textile, geodata, geodatabank, geodatabase, geodetic, geodin, geohazard, geohydrologie, geohydrology, geologie, geology, geophysical surveys, geoscience, geosciences, geotechnical, geotechniek, geotextiel, gis, gpr, gps, gravity corer, grondonderzoek, group GIS, hydrogeology, ingenieur, in-situ, instrumentation, jack-up, jason, labonderzoek, laboratorium onderzoek, laboratory, laboratory testing soil and rock, landmeten, mapping, mariner, material testing, metocean, milieu, milieuonderzoek, mip, modelling, monitoring, ndt, nearshore, offshore, omnistar, onshore, pavement, PCPT, peilbuizen, photogrammetrie, photogrammetry, pipeline structures, rig move, rost, sampling, saneren, seastar, seastar dp, setting out, site investigation, smartchart, soil mechanics, sonderen, sondering, stacor, starfix dgps, structural monitoring, subsea structures, subsoil, survey, testing, tunnels, waterbouw, water resources, wison, wheeldrive cpt(View Less)