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Title: EXB Solutions
Description: EXB’s engineering services are focused on Systems Engineering and Test for high-reliability and safety-critical systems in the aerospace, defense, and medical industries.
Keywords:Systems Engineering, Requirements Definition, Requirements Traceability, Testability Analysis, Systems Test, Software Test, Test, Testing, Systems V&V, Software V&V, Engineering Solutions, Verification, Validation, V&V, Independent V&V, IV&V, Unit Testing, Requirements-Based Systems & Software Testing, Model-Driven Systems & Software Testing, Test Plans, Test Requirements, Test Cases, Test Procedures, Test Execution, Test Reports,
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Regression Analysis, Systems, Software, High-Reliability Systems, Safety-Critical Systems, Test Equipment, Test Environments, Test Automation, Guidance, Navigation, GPS, Flight Controls, Flight Management Systems, Sensing, Aerospace, Defense, Avionics, Medical, Embedded Engineering, Real-Time Embedded Engineering, Real-Time Operating System RTOS, Information Technology, IT, FAA/JAA Certification, RTCA DO-178B, RTCA DO-278, MIL-STD-498, DOD-STD-2167A, Military Standards, NPR 7150.2, NASA Standards, IEC 60601-1, ITAR Technology, Systems Modeling and Simulation, Software Modeling and Simulation, Simulation and Control, MATLAB, Simulink, LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, UML, Rational Rose, Model Based Development, Systems Design, O/S Kernal Development and Test, O/S Tool Set Development and Test, Diagnostic/BIT/BITE Development and Test, Malicious Code Requirements/Testing, Software Engineering, Software Analysis, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software Optimization, Software Development, Programming, Software Project Management, Algorithms, Code, Coding, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Regulatory Analysis, Projects, Project Management, Project Capacity, Program Management, Supplemental Staffing, Object Oriented Analysis OOA, Object Oriented Design OOD, Object Oriented Modeling, Object Oriented Development, UNIX O/S, Linux O/S, C++(View Less)