Title: My Friends World - Find and get in touch and share with your friends and family
Description: Myfriendsworld is a social place that connects friend with friends. With Myfriendsworld you can connect with your friends, and share your photos, links and videos, stories, tags, and much more social activities. You can also make friends, contact old fri
Description: Australian Land Rovers Owners Online offers support and community for Land Rover Owners in Australia and around the world, including support and community general owners enthusiasts and restorers of land rovers from Australia New Zealand and elsewhere, g
Description: This site is dedicated to those men and women who fell fighting for their country. Recorded here are various war memorials within a variety of counties including main sections for Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Dorset, Essex, Herefordshir
Title: The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada
Description: Welcome to the web site of The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada family. It has been designed to serve as a repository for all regimental news and information and to maintain a constant link to family members world-wide.
Description: Great Northern Publishing. Award winning publishers of The Great War and Jade Erotica magazines. Design and publishing services for magazines, journals and books. Internet and mail order Military History and Erotica booksellers.
Title: Freedom Flight, Inc. POW/MIA Awareness, Hot Air Balloon Team
Description: Homepage of Freedom Flight, Inc., an educational, non-profit corporation, volunteer team promoting awareness of American POW/MIA issues through use of hot air balloons.