Title: XBC - Bitcoin Plus | - Alternative Cryptocurrency - Proof of Stake - Traded on Poloniex
Description: XBC is an alternative Cryptocurrency that can be traded on Poloniex. It is a Proof of Stake (POS) coin. Currently there are around 85000 coins in circulation. Bitcoin Plus also has built in Anonymous Messaging by using the TOR network.
Title: Bitcoin News aus aller Welt | – Analysen, Stories, Hintergründe, Interviews und Grundlagen zu Bitcoin und Cryptocurrency –
Description: BTC News Germany - Der unabhängige deutsche Blog mit den wichtigsten Neuigkeiten zu den Themen Bitcoin, Altcoin, Mining, Börsen, Wallets, Handel, Marktkapitalisierung und allgemein Cryptocurrency.
Description: Bitcoin ve diğer kripto paralarla ilgili gelişmeleri takip edebileceğiniz, borsa ve madencilik ile ilgili bilgilerin bulunduğu forum sitesi
Description: Altpocket is the best portfolio available for showcasing altcoin and cryptocurrency investments. Register now for free! Import orders from Bittrex and Poloniex.
Title: OkeBit - The World's Best Crypto Trading Bot
Description: OkeBit is a web based automated trading bot for Poloniex,bittrex and VIP . Submit your API keys and our AI goes to work for you immediately.
Title: Coinventory - The Cryptocurrency Social Media
Description: Coinventory is a cryptocurrency social media and the best cryptocurrency investments tracking panel out there! Import your investments from Poloniex and Bittrex, customize your profile and share it with your friends.