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Google search volume for "mil-std-461"

Website results for "mil-std-461"

 14 websites found

#4,697,318 (+61%) -
Title: VPT Inc. // DC-DC Power Converters | EMI Filters | Power Products | Avionics, Military, and Space Systems
Description: VPT Inc. powers military, aerospace, and space systems with high reliability DC-DC converters, EMI filters, and custom engineering design services.
#0 (0%) -
Title: RITEC: rugged printers, ruggedized printers
Description: rugged printers for military and aerospace environments
#0 (0%) -
Title: Military Power Supply Custom AC DC Power Converter DC/DC AC/DC•�Prime Power Supply
Description: Prime Power designs and manufactures standard and customized AC/DC power supplies and DC/DC power converters for military, industrial, commercial and ruggedized applications. Need a custom power supply prototype? Call Prime Power for a quick turnaround.
#14,947,026 (-66%) -
Title: EMC/EMI Testing services, Hydraulic Testing, Dynamic & Climatic Testing
Description: EMI Testing - Qualtest offers the following services: DO-160, EMC Testing Lab, EMC testing Labs, EMC testing services, EMI testing lab, EMI testing labs, EMI testing services, MIL-STD-461, NVLAP Testing, emc testing, emi testing, burst pressure testing,
#8,402,952 (-41%) -
Title: DC-AC Inverters, UPS Power Systems, Frequency Converters,Custom Designs, Military UPS, Rugged UPS
Description: We have a full line of premium units, Pure Sinewave DC-AC Inverters: Compact, lightweight designs from 100 VA to 50 KVA, in single and three phase configurations. Nominal DC voltages of 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 120, 155, 240, 600, 750, and beyond. True On Lin
#14,969,369 (+32%) -
Title: 901D provides cabinets for commercial electronics hardware working in hostile military environments and meeting MIL-S-901D specs
Description: 901D provides a full line of cabinets that have successfully been tested to the MIL-S-901D Grade A specification and have been selected by the US Navy. 901D had developed unique solutions for the US Military which allow commercial electronics hardware to
Keywords:901d, 901D, COTS, Computers, MIL-S-901D, electronics equipment, adverse environments, US Navy, qualified, Military specs, Military, military, US, Navy, navy, grade A, commercial off the shelf, off the shelf, off the shelf hardware, MIL-S-901D grade A, MIL-STD-167, MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-461, NEMA, Racks,
... (View More)
#0 (0%) -
Title: Electronics Contract Manufacturer, Design Services, Circle Prime Manufacturing Inc
Description: Electronics Contract Manufacturer, Design Services, Circle Prime Manufacturing Inc, Akron Ohio
Keywords:5 why analysis, aerospace, aerospace qualified, aesco, andrea, anechoic, anechoic chamber, antenna chamber, antenna design, antenna range, antenna test range, aoi, audio preamp, automatic optical inspection, aviation, ball grid assembly, bga, certified quality auditor, circle prime, cockpit communication, component obsolescence management, conformal coat, conformal coating, contract manufacturing, corrective action,
... (View More)
#7,229,705 (+37%) -
Title: MAJR Products - Conductive Gaskets, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding Products
Description: MAJR Products is your source for conductive gaskets, electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding products, EMC consulting, form-in-place gasketing, mil-std-461, shielded tents, sticky fingers, and more.