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Title: COUNCIL for Genuine Global Cooperation and Culture of Peace
Keywords:culture of peace, kultur des friedens, sustainable, global security, nachhaltige, globale sicherheit, anwarulkchowdhury, lucgnacadja, unccd, un, vereinte nationen, development, entwicklung. aid, entwicklungshilfe, oda, dac, oecd, international cooperation, internationale Zusammenarbeit, global, globalization, globalisieung, mdg, millennium development goals, ramesh jaura,
... (View More)
europahaus marienberg, winfried-illo graff, burkhardt siebert, baher kamal, katsuhiro asagiri, inge kaul, uwe holtz, marion smith, kofi annan, europe, europa, africa, afrika, asia, asien, caribbean, karibik, latin america, lateinamerika, usa, canada, kanada, germany, deutschland, brazil, brasilien, india, indien, china, south africa, , russia, russland, brics, third world, dritte welt, , north-south, world bank, weltbank, imf, iwf, united nations, un, civil society, ngo, voelkerverstaendigung, nordsued, suedsued, dialog, zusammenarbeit, wandel, handeln, humandevelopmentservices, interaction(View Less)