Title: Overlawyered — Chronicling the high cost of our legal system
Description: Chronicling the high cost of our legal system
Keywords:class actions, medical, libel slander and defamation, hospitals, Canada, sports, California, online speech, trademarks, free speech, on TV and radio, food safety, law schools, Ted Frank, class action settlements, Barack Obama, third party liability for crime, New York, legal blogs, CPSC, ADA filing mills, patent trolls, RIAA and file sharing, attorneys' fees, prosecution,
... (View More)
Indian tribes, sanctions, labor unions, pharmaceuticals, hate speech, international human rights, churches, New York Times, climate change, discovery, global warming, wage and hour suits, FDA, roads and streets, damages, BP Transocean oil spill, salt, constitutional law, oil industry, eat drink and be merry, right of publicity, allergies, Mikal Watts, obstetrics, United Nations, damages for animal companionship, Crisis of 2008, Wall Street(View Less)